Sep 28, 2011

On Crappy Seniors

July 2012 will be the end of medical school and by August -inshallah- we will be real life doctors! I'm more terrified than excited. Questioning whether or not I'll be good enough to handle human life? This is our last chance as students to attain as much information and skills and be worthy of such responsibility. So it is horrific to see some seniors still not getting it. Thinking it is a game and they can swing it with their la-di-da attitudes.

To cheat is never acceptable. But for obvious reasons, I always thought that it is even worse when a doctor or an architect does it. Still they do and catastrophes happen. I'm sure it all started when they were students. From cheating in exams, fake cases and undeserved signatures on easy tasks on their lame log books to prescribing the wrong/any/every drug to profit the pharmaceutical company which is paying for his/her trip to France next month. Prophet Mohammed PBUH, said: "He who cheats is not of us". Us being Muslims. It does not get any clearer than that.

I personally think students shouldn't be allowed to do procedures on patients. Except maybe if it's a simple procedure, you were supervised by a responsible doctor and you actually KNOW WHAT and WHY you are doing this procedure. If not, then I hope someone someday will do the same to you.

Really people you give medicine a bad name.


  1. Agree totally agree , welcom back and happy final year for u <3

  2. Thank you. A happy, productive year to you too babe <3

  3. there isn't much to say except "7asbia Allah 3laihom." there's not enough words to describe the frustration and sadness from people who've been victims to docs like those u described...

    but my only consolation is that Allah repays anyone's bad deeds back the very hard way!

    I missed u Duha *hugs*

  4. I'm now even more mortified than before!!!

    اللهم اجعل أعمالنا في الدنيا خالصة لوجهك الكريم و تقبلها منا إنك أنت السميع العليم. اللهم لا تجعلنا من هذه الطائفة و بارك لنا في علمنا و عملنا و انفع بنا إخواننا المسلمين و الناس أجمعين .. آمين

    Thumb up =)

  5. Fadiah, that's the thing about this kind of people, they seem to forget that there is a God and an after life.
    I missed you more *hugs back*

    Ghada, Amen! Thanks.

  6. Totally agree with you & sure the medicine is the most honorable profession which will NEVER allow any person who accepts cheating to be successful in this field or to handle the patient life

  7. Amen to that. Nwrty my blog Zozaty <3

  8. hey welcome back.. heheh and all the best really, and you know you will get the hang of it and god is always there for you *hugs*

    just tell me which hospital you will be in so that i can avoid it :p jk :P

  9. LOL thanks. Don't worry inshallah I won't be one of the crappy docs.
