Feb 20, 2011

Grammy 2011

Finally, I got to see The Grammy Awards last night. What can I say? I am a busy person. And it was fun! Here is what I have to say about it. xD
  • Christina Aguilera, pregnant? Cuz nothing else explains the double chin, tummy and arms.
  • Ricky Martin seems to really enjoy coming out with that silver ugly pants. LOL good for him.
  • Dear Lady Gaga, "don't be a drag, just be a queen"? LOOK WHO'S TALKING! The whole night, everything she did and wore was an epic fail.
  • While Katy Perry was performing Teenage Dream, Nicole Kidman was singing. The cutest thing.
  • It's disgusting how Justin Biber and John Mayer would both be nominated in the same category. I didn't hate JB before but now!
  • JB needs an IQ test ASAP! I looked up the lyrics and he says never in his Never Say Never song, 38 times!
  • The person who dresses Rhianna should quit NOW!
  • The Suburbs, album of the year, really? FAIL!
Now my favourite performances for the night:


I love country music. This is just fun. And Bob Dylan, amazing!

Pure love. They deserved all the awards they got.

Those two, imperfectly perfect!

I love the three of them and I love the song, so..


You CAN'T not dance and sing!

Shakira, you are not alone. This girl's hips don't lie.

Grenade, this soul/jazz version, absolute freaking LOVE!

That's it. Good night xoxo

Feb 16, 2011

So Happy I Could Die :P

What a night! Man I feel like a G6 and I bet I'll wake up tomorrow inshallah felling like P.didy! What? Why you say? Well baby doll, Arsenal WON and wait for it, wait for it, Barcelona LOST!

The thing is, yesterday and today were BAAHD! I was so restless and out of my skin cuz I have my paediatric midterm this Saturday and I haven't had any exams since more than 2 months i.e. out of practice, double the panic! And I really wanted to go out and watch the Champions League game: Arsenal vs Barcelona but the guilt was killing me. Obviously I ignored my guilty conscious and went but it wasn't all flowers and roses. When I got to Fratelli cafe the douchebags were airing Hilal vs Ahly match, even when A vs B started! Saudi stupid teams instead of the UCL? REALLY? Obviously, I talked to the manager and demanded to switch the channel or I'M LEAVING AND THEN IT'S YOUR LOSS! They didn't! he just begged me to wait a few minutes. Hilal won. WHO CARES?!

Now finally we are watching the game. Mood already beyond fucked up. And then bam David Villa scores a goal for Barcelona. No comment.

The 2nd half begins and Van Persie scores for Arsenal! I screamed and clapped and the party begun baby! And then Arshivan scores the winner and I was on cloud nine xD
Seriously the game was amazing and I'm not just happy becuase Barcelona lost. I also consider myself an honorary Arsenal fan since I'm the sister of 2 die hard Gunners! :p

So yeah happy happy day al 7mdullah xD
Wish me luck on my midterm and good luck to Real Madrid against Lyon next week xoxo

Feb 11, 2011

11-2-2011 A Historical Day

Hosni Mubarak FINALLY stepped down.

God bless you Egypt. Stay beautiful and free. May this be a new chapter of happiness and prosperity to all our Egyptian brothers and sisters. ♥

Feb 10, 2011

La Tortura

I love Shakira. And this song is one of my all time favourites of hers. But to tell you the truth, before last night, I only could understand the word Amor.

Last night I was in the Spanish-Shakira mood and since I really want to learn Spanish and I don't have the time to take proper lessons now -inshallah I will in the summer- I decided to google the lyrics of Spanish songs, memorise the new words and their meanings. One song a night. And La Tortura won tonight. I must say, I'm more in love with this song than ever. He's begging for her forgiveness and giving her his heart and she's dismissing him like the cheating dog he once was. Estoy gusta. I don't know if that is even gramatically correct but I likey :P

Let's hope I keep it up.

Feb 7, 2011

A Book Crush

Hola boys and girls. Mama feels like a silly teenager and comes to you with a new crush of hers. I HATE to admit it cuz he is supposed to be the enemy and I spent so much time enjoying hating him, I can't just declare my like to him? Or can I? Err anyway, here it goes. I like Gerard Pique. *covers her face*

Yes, I used to think he looks like a mule. But that big blue eyed mule writes! HE PUBLISHED A BOOK! HONEY I'M SOLD! Nothing like a brainy athlete!

Oh forget about the stupid crush. I NEED TO READ THIS BOOK! It needs to be translated to English ASAP. Or it will be just a more motivation for me to pick up where I left off and start learning Spanish again cuz baby this book cries read me.

To conclude, crushes come and go but Real Madrid is for life. Hala Madrid.